Caecilia Tripp

Sun Smoke
Caecilia Tripp, 2022
Ci-print on Infinity 270 g
Caecilia Tripp: Sun Smoke
Publisher: Erna Hecey
Dimensions: 82 x 63 cm
€ 900.00

Erna Hecey is delighted to annonce an exclusive Spring Edition by Caecilia Tripp of 12 exemplars of Sun Smoke, 2021, a unique photograph issued of her recent research on forms of freedom and utopia at the crossroads of our worldliness, and the cosmic spheres.


At first there was nothing

And then the nothing turned itself

Inside-out and became something.



Sun Smoke bursting into a magnetic reconnection
Of a Billion suns,
A Divine Love,
The sun of consciousness

Edouard Glissant, Sun of Consciousness, 1956, Ed. Seuil, Paris


Edition of 12 + 3 AP
82 x 63 cm
Ci-Print Infinity 270 g.
Each print is numbered, signed and dated by the artist.

of 73