Roee Rosen

Desire and Dust
Roee Rosen, 2020
Roee Rosen: Desire and Dust
Publisher: Sternberg Press
Dimensions: 13×27 cm
Pages: 160
ISBN: 978-3-95679-545-9
€ 20.00

In this book, the animation of commodity objects magically ties together erotic frolics and political horrors: from a DC07 vacuum cleaner to a detention center for refugees, from little irons, socks and sweaters, to the particulars of post-Soviet power, and Vladimir Putin.


Desire and Dust includes the newly commissioned text "The Dust Files" written by Paul B. Preciado and the classic "The Biography of the Object" by Sergei Tretíakov as well as texts by Roee Rosen and his fictive identities, Maxim Komar-Myshkin and the Buried Alive Group.


"We're all like carpets, craving suction action-or dirty, dirty is the cleaning market!"
Maxim Komar-Myshkin

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