Eugenie Paultre | Le temps presse / Time is Running Out / Die Zeit drängt

Book release

Erna Hecey is delighted to announce the release of Eugénie Paultre: Le temps presse / Time is Running Out / Die Zeit drängt, a little blue book, a collection of poems written between 2018 and 2019 via WhatsApp, messages sent, according to the immediacy of the medium, to friends, as if to hit the mark: the one that many of us are looking at, are looking for... a spot on the horizon–a pivot point–a leap of faith that would make us tip over, for good, into a new vitality… Where are the words that could gather our minds, so as to escape a fatal dispersion ?

Any attempt should be made.


« Worte, die uns fehlen – hier finden wir sie. »

« Words that fail us — here we find them. »


Reto Sorg





We dream of other times and places, but, here, we dwell among hidden skies. 

We travel from sensation to sensation,
chasing the shadows of shallow ideas and empty words with our hands. 

We move among blooming emotions, and give miraculous water to their sap. 

We do not have a “God” latched onto our brains. 

We move among a thousand and one signs,
without presuming the articulations of silence.
We acclimatise ourselves to sadness, but not to lying shortcuts.
We acclimatise ourselves to fear, but not
to the obsession with control. 

We caress with our insolence the “schmoucks” hanging around the circuits. 

We agree with the tremors.
Our land is not plastic.
We live together with rocks and sheep in meadows 

from black and white tunnels.



Eugénie Paultre 
Le Temps Presse – Time Is Running Out – Die Zeit Drängt
Edition Atelier

English translation: Jérémy Victor Robert
German translation: Jorinde Reznikoff

Format: 12 x 16 cm 
104 Pages
Published  May 2022 
ISBN: 978-3-907430-13-2

May 28, 2022
of 94