
Erna Hecey is delighted to invite you to the inauguration of her new space in Luxembourg, with the group exhibition Thinking Ahead.

"Thinking means venturing beyond," German philosopher Ernst Bloch wrote in his extensive study on utopianism, The Principle of Hope (written 1938-47). 

Starting from this notion of thinking ahead, of taking up ideas that root in the present and transferring them to a distant future, the exhibition is characterized by constant change. While 21 artists are contributing works, those will not be shown all together but in sequences, changing the initial presentation every couple of weeks by taking away and adding works. At times very subtle, at other times more noticeable, each sequence will create a different experience for the viewer and establish new links of content and meaning between the works on view. Though the works and artists included in the show are determined beforehand, the evolvement of the exhibition remains open, leaving a part of the presentation to spontaneous decisions encouraged by the interplay of the artworks in the space.


In the spirit of thinking ahead and looking back at the same time, the exhibition is bringing together artists that have worked with the gallery for many years as well as new positions that will be shown in the context of Erna Hecey Luxembourg for the first time. While taking stock of the past 25 years of the gallery's activities, the exhibition is also a projection into the future, experimenting with new means of presenting and distributing art, putting works in a new light, and tying new connections.


Eleanor Antin, Marcel Broodthaers, Rafal Bujnowski, Lili Dujourie, Roza El Hassan, Peter Friedl, Jef Geys, Gauri Gill, Dan Graham, Ana Jotta, Edi Hila, Suzanne Lafont, Rainer Oldendorf, Martha Rosler, Roee Rosen, Nedko Solakov, Bert Theis, Caecilia Tripp, Little Warsaw, Jeff Weber, and Lawrence Weiner. As the exhibition took place in three parts, only a selection of the works presented is included here. Please contact us for a full list of works included in Thinking Ahead. 

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