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NM, 2017
Personal show, Mayeur projects, Las Vegas, NM
September 9th - October 21st 2017
Jugnet + Clairet
Atomes Crochus (Hooked Atoms) #2 (CB + CRM), 2015
Acrylic on canvas
130 x 130 cm (each)
HOOKED ATOMS Series after the first atomic theory from Democritus and then Epicurus, who both explain the substance’s cohesion by imaging a hook (a link) in the atom's shape. The...
Series after the first atomic theory from Democritus and then Epicurus, who both explain the substance’s cohesion by imaging a hook (a link) in the atom's shape. The word «Atomes crochus» was created by Democritus meaning also (in French) «to have a lot in common».
In quantum physics, from 1935 hooked atoms were brought back by Einstein, Podolski and Rosen, and then with Schrödinger who invented the word "entanglement". Two intertwined particles are in a strange state. No matter what distance separates them, their behavior is similar. Their relationship forms a unique and inseparable system.
In our diptychs composed of two colors fading into white, we left out the drawing of hooked atoms: the figure is in the title.